Happy National Emergency Alert Day!

History will be made today as “the first nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System, or EAS, will take place at 2:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) on November 9, 2011.” The test, which will last for 30 seconds, “is being conducted on November 9 because this date is near the end of hurricane season and before the severe winter weather season begins. The 2 p.m. EST broadcast will minimize disruption during rush hours while ensuring that the test occurs during working hours across the country.” So don’t worry that they’re doing the first-ever national test now because they know something REALLY REALLY BAD is going to happen soon and they want to make sure that they’re able to reach everybody when this TERRIBLE UPCOMING EVENT occurs in the immediate future. Because it’s not like that at all! Everything’s fine!

Photo by Eugenio Marongiu, via Shutterstock