Azealia Banks Featuring Lazy Jay, "212"

“Right now I’m in negotiation with labels and I just switched management. Once I sign a deal and get shit in place it’s gonna be like nonstop, just fucking drilling on music for like, the next five years. I don’t really have any other plans aside from making money [laughs] If I can say that.”
 — It will be interesting to see whether or not Azealia Banks’ blatant avariciousness impedes her career in the rap music industry. I kind of think it won’t. Banks is from Harlem. This video went up on YouTube in September, but was taken down for a while, apparently because of credit dispute with producer Lazy Jay. (Banks raps and sings over the beat from Jay’s house hit “Float My Boat.”) It’s back up now. And thank goodness! As a pal notes, “I think by law it has to be everywhere.” Also note: If you’re at work, this is probably a headphones-required situation. [Via]