You Are Not Getting Any Younger

Ladies, hurry up and freeze those eggs before it is too late or you will never have that baby that you want so badly but are too busy with your “career” to have right now. What’s your deadline? Well, if you’re under 30, GO GET THOSE THINGS FROZEN NOW. Otherwise, you may have missed the boat.

Freezing offers women the chance to store their eggs while they are still in good condition, but many wait until their late-30s, when the quality of their eggs has started to decline, scientists found.

Researchers said women who had their eggs frozen for non-medical reasons were typically aged 37–39. But flaws that accumulate in eggs over time lead to a rapid decrease in fertility over the age of 35…

The likelihood of an embryo created from a slow-frozen egg implanting in the womb fell from 10.4% in women who were under 30 when it was frozen to 4.7% in women who had been over 40. The implantation rates for embryos made from vitrified eggs was higher, but suffered a similar decline with age, from 18.8% in the under-30s to 10.3% in the over-40s

I know, it seems terribly unfair. What’s left for those of you who have passed your prime refrigeration opportunity? Basically spinsterhood and derision. But there are a few bright spots: You can always adopt! You may be able to score a cover story for the Atlantic. You can be the fun pal who all your mom friends want to hang out with that one night a month they’re not knee-deep in diapers and vomit. It’s not all gloom and doom out there, crones.

Photo by Helder Almeida, via Shutterstock