Books Get Sweary

“[N]ow publishing is awash with best sellers whose unprintable titles are, for the most part, being coyly disguised by asterisks and other symbols over select vowels on the jackets… Out this week: If You Give a Kid a Cookie, Will He Shut the — — Up? ($14.99) by Marcy Roznick, a parody, aimed at adults, of the 1985 children’s book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie ….,” reports USA Today. This new trend, a legacy of the success of Go The Fuck To Sleep

, has indeed swept the industry. A quick look at some of the classic-inspired books coming out for the holiday season reveals, among others, the following titles: An Assload Of Cats; Sylvester And The Really Fucking Amazing Rock; The Pussy-Hungry Caterpillar; The Wild Things Are Over There, You Stupid Motherfucker; I Don’t Care How Fucking Inquisitive That Dickheaded Monkey Is, He Is Really Starting To Bug The Shit Out Of Me; The Giving Head Tree; Those Ducklings Better Move Their Asses Or They Are Going To Get Splattered All Over The Goddamn Road; Alexander And The Cocksucking, Motherfucking Piece Of Shit Lick My Ass Day; You Give Harold One Lousy Crayon And That Little Pissant Bitch Starts Scribbling Shit Pretty Much Everywhere; Lyle, Lyle, Pedophile; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (You Know What We’re Talking About) and a trilogy based on the works of Dr. Seuss, The Way That Fat Fuck Horton Sits On That Egg You’d Think It Came Out Of His Own Gigantic Ass, Oh, the People You’ll Fuck!, and Marvin K. Mooney Get The Fuck Out Of Here Already You Inveterate Assgrabbing Shitface. [Via]