Twitter is Making the Brits Disgustingly American

I thought British people were allergic to self-promotion or, indeed, any kind of reference to oneself that was not heavily caked in self-deprecation. Doesn’t it make you break out in tea rash? Now look at you, instructing your Twitter followers to read your blogs, “check out” your articles, etc. This makes me suspect that Britain and all of its inhabitants have been swallowed up by an apocalyptic fire and replaced by an island of replicants who are planning world domination. Amirite or amirite?

Yet retweeting compliments is to harmless self-promotion what freebasing crack is to marijuana. And, going by this analogy, it grieves me to tell you — although I can’t deny that I rather enjoy typing it — that Joan Collins is a crackhead.

— Did Twitter export American narcissism to Britain? One woman (rather correctly) says yes!