Please Welcome... Our New Server

It’s been quite some time since we’ve had word from the Dept. of Technical News and Notes, but at long last, we’re pleased to announce that The Awl (and The Hairpin and Splitsider) are coming to you now from their all-new home. Their tiny house, in which they all happily cohabitate as platonic roomies, is now a slightly larger and sexier tiny house, with prettier appliances and closets full of more expensive outfits. And they FINALLY threw out all that garbage that was holding them back from being pretty and successful! It’s like they all read The Secret at the same time and decided to “envision a more powerful life.” (Except then they hired a personal organizer and bought a new house, because The Secret is actually, you know, not real.)

What does this mean for you?

Well, one thing that would be great is that if you see something behaving in a totally broken manner, please drop us a note, with your system and browser info (and a screenshot too, if possible).

Otherwise, sit back and refresh and reload regularly and watch our websites not become all grumpy and hostile at 3 p.m. EST every single day.


Next week we’ll be doing some more tech stuff (for nerds: offloading our image files to a CDN), so you should see further improvements. Thanks go out to our host Datagram for their patient work with us, and to Sound Strategies for important and visionary tech scheming.

And thanks to you for bearing with our sluggishness. As long-time readers know, we’re an independently owned and solely self-supporting organization, without private investment or a corporate daddy, and these changes come slowly and sometimes painfully!