Old Person Looks Back

“At the time, it didn’t sound like anything else around and, to my youthful ears, it wiped away all that had come before it. If this sounds a little dramatic, you have to understand that at the time Guns’N’Roses were the biggest rock band in the world. If you didn’t have a hotline to the underground, and were looking for a soundtrack for your teenage rebellion, they, along with their hard-rocking peers Anthrax, Mötley Crüe and Metallica, were pretty much all that was on offer. These bands might have had the volume, but they were singing about things to which the average tortured teen could never relate. They were, for the most part, cartoon bands pedalling clichéd fantasies of sex, drugs ’n’ rock’n’roll. Nevermind, in contrast, was teenage agony distilled.”
 — Do you remember your first Nirvana experience?