Missed Connections
@joshuafoer Please follow me so I can DM you.less than a minute ago via Mobile Web
Bill Keller
“There are some people partial to direct messages on Twitter and others oblivious to that corner of the Twitterverse. There are some who look at Facebook messages before anything else, and others whose Facebook accounts are idle, deceptive vestiges of a fleeting gregariousness that didn’t survive their boredom with Rebecca’s bread dough (‘It isn’t rising! Tips?’) or Tim’s poison ivy (‘Itching and itching! Remedies?’). I know only a handful of people with just one e-mail address, but I know many with three or more, and not all of these people understand automatic forwarding. My friend M. was recently reacquainted with an in-box unattended for a year. It was stuffed with hundreds of unread messages — some, remarkably, from people flummoxed by her aloofness.”
— Frank Bruni examines the baffling complexities of communication in our new tech-savvy era. Above, a Twitter user illustrates his point quite nicely.