Man Sweaty

Are you currently a frazzled mess of listlessness and torpor, dragging yourself through the streets with a thin film of perspiration on your upper lip and an increasingly painful chafing on your undercarriage? Have you found yourself more prone to irritation lately, finding annoyance in the most minor of incidents which would normally go unnoticed? Do you have a small ache in the back of your throat that you know is almost certainly an incipient cold brought about by moving back and forth between air conditioned rooms and offices and the fetid pool of viscous and ceaseless humidity that insinuates itself between whatever piece of clothing you’ve draped around your exhausted shoulders? Does the thought of doing anything that requires even a minimal amount of effort fill you with a kind of existential dread so paralyzing that you remain prone on your couch, saying “I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what to do,” over and over again aloud? Yeah, me too. And who the hell knows when it’s going to end? I mean, maybe Saturday, but life being what it is, probably never.

Photo by Peter Bernik, via Shutterstock