Julian Assange's 'Autobiography' is Just 50 Hours of Interviews

Despite acres of publicity and buckets of scandal, Julian Assange’s unauthorised autobiography sold just 644 copies last week.

Created with Assange’s cooperation (according to its publisher Canongate the Wikileaks founder spent more than 50 hours being interviewed for it) but published against his wishes, the book went on sale last Thursday amid widespread coverage and serialisation in the Independent.

— Wait. Did we “know” that Assange’s “autobiography” was based on “more than” 50 WHOLE HOURS of interviews? I mean, gosh, that’s 2.12 whole days! We probably did know that, but I guess maybe it was glossed a bit in the promotion? Fully ridiculous! Alice B. Toklas spent more time writing her autobiography. Also, sure doesn’t leave him with much of a copyright claim against the book, does it now. This guy!