Fall: Feel It!

Confession: Some mornings when I am laying in bed and trying to soothe myself back to sleep in an attempt to forestall the inevitable horror that the day will bring once the cruel tyranny of the alarm clock forces me to admit defeat, I treat myself to a fantasy where everything ends. Now this is not some kind of apocalyptic vision; the cleansing fire promised by the Lord never appears. Instead, it is a simple but total cessation. Think about it: You stop being. The place you live in stops being. The people around you stop being. It all stops being. Your entire history disappears. The things you’ve done — the people you’ve wronged, the goals you’ve achieved, the loves you’ve ruined, the hurts that never seem to go away — they all carry the same weight, which is zero pounds, zero ounces. You return to the absolute nothingness from whence you were so traumatically wrenched in the first place. The slate is wiped clean and then the slate itself is gone. And it’s not just you, it’s everyone, simultaneously. We all go together and the rest is silence. It is a little jarring to consider, but I think if you give it more consideration you will find the concept oddly comforting. Also, with the weekend looking like the same mix of showers and clouds that we’ve had for the last few days, it’s not like you’d be missing that much.

Photo by SVLuma, via Shutterstock