Dog Climbs Tree

I am not so much interested in the topiary-scaling skills of this Jack Russell terrier, impressive as they may be. No, what really gets me about this clip is the giggle of girlish glee emitted by broadcaster Dara Brown as the tape unspools. Brown, of course, runs the weird animal story desk for “Today”; those of us with an enthusiasm for eccentric critter tales have long appreciated the seriousness with which she approaches the beat. It’s not just competent professionalism — when Dara Brown introduces a piece about a baby tiger who believes he is a baby elephant, you know that Dara Brown takes that story just as seriously as you do, that she understands the importance of the weird animal story as a crucial part of our media diet. So when Dara Brown, who has seen more canines climb shrubs than many of us have had warm baths, cannot help but chuckle approvingly during what should be an absolutely routine recounting of sapling ascension by a plucky pooch, it says something very profound about the human capacity for joy. Perhaps especially in these troubled times, we too often reflect upon the more gloomy aspects of our nature; it is nice to be reminded that there is also, within every darkened heart, a place in which the laughter lives. Dara Brown is proof. Also, check out that dog! It totally climbed that tree!