Women Who Hate Women Are The Luckiest Women For Men To Get Lucky With In The World

“Our results suggest assertive courtship strategies are a form of mutual identification of similarly sexist attitudes shared between courtship partners. Women who adopt sexist attitudes are more likely to prefer men who adopt similar attitudes. Not only do sexist men and women prefer partners who are like them, they prefer courtship strategies where men are the aggressors and women are the gatekeepers.”
— Drs Jeffrey Hall and Dr Melanie Canterberry of Kansas University discuss their finding that aggressive men are more likely to be successful with women who have “sexist attitudes towards members of their own gender” and are out for casual sex. Noted Science journal

The Daily Mail helps explain it thusly: “just like in Prehistoric times where courtship was often based on ‘raw instinct’ and men merely ‘taking’ women who look good to them, a similar strategy should be adopted now for men after a one-night stand.”

Photo by Hal_P, via Shutterstock