UK Prime Minister Cancels Tuscan Holiday :(

One thing you don’t want to do probably is go a-thieving in a total surveillance society. The Metropolitan Police have set up a Flickr account with pretty pictures of a few people who have apparently gone robbing in North London at some point before or after these images were captured. It’s the modern version of the “WANTED” poster, but en masse. Of course, some people have taken to Tumblr to do this vigilante style. In less dramatic imagery of the day, people have apparently taken to the streets with brooms to tidy up. Awww! And more to be found here.

In other, totally unrelated news from London, the headlines at the Guardian this morning include “Senior London officer says authorities will consider using rubber bullets to quell rioting” and “Lloyds bank axing 1,300 more jobs.” (As a result of the takeover of Lloyds by HBOS, announced in 2009, nearly 45,000 jobs have been eliminated.) Combined, the two entities have received more than £40 billion from the government since the recession.

Oh, one more: “The Prime Minister flew back into the UK from Tuscany where he was on holiday to take personal charge of efforts to quell the rioting.”