The Waverly Inn's Reign of Hot Terror is Over

“I didn’t actually beg to get my table at the Waverly Inn. I had other people do it for me. And once inside, I must admit, I felt pretty damn good about myself,” wrote Adam Platt in New York magazine in 2007: “There is no reservationist, and no telephone number for chumps from Syosset or Teaneck to call.” Wrote the Times in 2008: “Insiders just call Mr. Carter’s office” — that’s Graydon Carter, the editor of Vanity Fair — “directly but it is in fact possible to drop by the reservations desk at the restaurant and book a table for those netherworld hours before 6:30 or after 11:15 p.m.”

And now? Let us welcome the Waverly Inn to Open Table. That Times statement is still a bit true, at least, but the restaurant’s window of inaccessibility has shrunk greatly: tonight, by way of Open Table, you can get a table for two at 6:45 p.m. or 9:45. (Or a table for four at 6:30 and 9:45.) Enjoy! It’s a real period piece.