Keep Dinner Boring If You Want To Live
“Couples who share a bottle of wine over dinner are putting their lives at risk, according to a report. The middle classes are unwittingly becoming ‘risky drinkers’ by regularly having wine with their evening meal, significantly increasing their susceptibility to conditions such as cancer and stroke. These ‘suburban tipplers’ rarely get drunk, never binge drink and are not heavily dependent on alcohol, but they are still putting their lives in jeopardy. And because women’s alcohol tolerance is lower than men’s, they are at greater risk than their partner if they each drink half of a bottle of wine. In total, some eight million adults are putting their health in serious danger by drinking alcohol at levels above official ‘safe’ guidelines, the report by think tank 2020Health claims.”
— I guess the lesson here is drink alone.
Photo by Yuri Arcurs, via Shutterstock