If Porn Stars Can't Teach in Schools, What Will Become of America?

But yes: where will this witch-hunt stop? (Probably at “people who have starred in pornography.”) In way more important news, here’s a little video of his recent flight to Cuba. No big deal, just the cabin filling up with smoke. This man has a very exciting life!

UPDATE: This is even better. An experienced traveler in the region writes: “He’s on a 60s-era Soviet jet which the U.S. FAA refuses to allow to fly into American airports because it violates all known safety regulations. (i.e. it’s literally held together with duct tape). However, the Bahamas — where this guy (and me) likely flew out of into Havana — has no problem with these ancient Cubana Airlines jets…. The smoke is in fact MIST, released on purpose. It has something to do with decompression or depressurization of the cabin as the plane lands. *No one* explains this to you on the flight, btw. Longtime travelers just know and offhandedly shrug while the rest of us start freaking out.” Huh. NO THANK YOU.