Happy National Duck Out For A Drink Day

The day we’ve waited for is finally here! That’s right, it’s August 25th, which, as every red-blooded, big-livered American knows, is National Duck Out For A Drink Day. It’s the day you actually get paid to drink! I feel just like a kid on Christmas… you wait all year for that one special day to come around, and when it does, you DUCK OUT FOR A QUICK DRINK WITH SOME PEOPLE FROM YOUR OFFICE DURING WORK HOURS. It combines all the joy of drunkenness with the immense satisfaction of slacking off. It really is the holiday that speaks to the greatness of our nation. Even the rain here in New York cannot dampen my spirits. It’s a holiday all about spirits! How will YOU be celebrating National Duck Out For A Drink Day? Tell us in the comments! All typos are understandably forgiven.

Photo by AISPIX, via Shutterstock