Go Ahead, Go To College

“By any financial measure, the investment in a college degree is the winning choice, with a rate of return of a whopping 15.2% a year on the $102,000 investment for those who earn the average salary for college graduates. This is more than double the average rate of return in the stock market during the last 60 years (6.8%), and more than five times the return to investments in corporate bonds (2.9%), gold (2.3%) long-term government bonds (2.2%) or housing (0.4%).”
— You should totally go to college, say some guys from the Brookings Institution. I reluctantly agree! I mean, I used to think college was a total scam, but that ignores the ample opportunities it affords one to get drunk and laid. Also? With the way the economy is going now? Those 87 jobs America has left will probably all require college degrees. So if you feel like you’ve got a good chance of landing one of those 87 jobs — and why not you? It’s gotta be somebody, right? — you should probably go for it. And finally: if you are a dude, going to college is a no-brainer. What with how women are going to have to run the wreckage we’ve left for them, college is where you go to find yourself a wife who will take care of you.

Photo by tinaxduzgen