Enjoy The Rain

People. I have heard disturbing reports that a number of you are complaining about the incessant rain. Now, I am not wholly without sympathy in this regard; sometimes the weather can be depressing. But let’s be frank. This idea that we’re supposed to be happy is a damaging myth foisted upon us by those who want to obscure the terrifying realities of life so that they may better exploit us to purchase their products, toil in their cubicles or pray in their pews. It’s a massive scam. Life is a terrible succession of boredom and defeat, and the flickering instances of joy one is lucky to occasionally receive are a bug, not a feature. Why on earth do you think you’re supposed to be happy? You are here to pass along your selfish genes and then die. No more, no less. That said, give me a goddamn break. It is 64 degrees out IN THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST. If that means the skies are gloomy for a couple of days, take it and be glad. Remember how you were bitching about the heat last week? That’s gone now. Good lord, sometimes I just don’t know what to do with you.

Photo by Regien Paassen, via Shutterstock