Are You Getting Hosed by Your Internet Provider? Yessir!

Most New Yorkers will be happy to hear that, on average, Time Warner delivers 91% of promised internet upload/download speeds. Not terrible! Those of us who have AT&T; as our Internet provider, however, should all be signing on for a class action lawsuit — although the results of this FCC survey of actual deliverables will not be a surprise to any of us who’ve benchmarked our speed and found it sorely, wildly lacking. And is anyone surprised that Comcast Cablevision (good morning! Things that start with “C”! More coffee please, interns!), a thoroughly terrible company (check the immense Cablevision archive at Consumerist, for starters!), comes out looking so terribly? (Related: Cablevision first-quarter revenues: $1.9 billion!) This is pretty remarkable that, for the most part, an entire industry is selling a lie and likely absolutely nothing will happen about that. (viavia)