Wine An Even Better Value Than Previously Believed

Good news for those of us with big livers: “A study of the alcohol content of 129,000 wines from vineyards across Europe and the new world over a 16-year period has suggested that many vintners have been ‘systematically’ understating their wines’ strength on labels.”

Also, there is this: “’Some winemakers … have admitted they deliberately chose to understate the alcohol content on a wine label, within the range of error permitted by the law, because they believed that it would be advantageous for marketing the wine to do so,’ said the report, written by a team led by Julian Alston at the University of California.”

WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE TO WHOM THEY ARE MARKETING? I mean, I check the alcohol content on the label too, but because I want to know how much bang I’m going to get for my buck. I will never understand this world.