Murdoch Favorite Finally Jettisoned

Murdoch Favorite Finally Jettisoned

Continuing developments in Britain’s phone hacking scandal: “Rebekah Brooks, the News International chief executive, has resigned after 11 days of mounting political pressure over the phone-hacking scandal. Brooks announced her decision to News International staff in Wapping just before 10am on Friday, saying her resignation had been accepted by Rupert and James Murdoch. She said she no longer wanted to be a ‘focal point of the debate’ surrounding the company’s future and reputation. She stopped short of issuing a personal apology.

In related news: “In response to requests from members of Congress and to at least one news report, the Federal Bureau of Investigation in New York opened a preliminary inquiry on Thursday into allegations that News Corporation journalists sought to gain access to the phone records of victims of the Sept. 11 attacks, according to several people briefed on the matter.

And: “Rupert and James Murdoch are to be sued personally for their handling of the phone-hacking debacle, it emerged on Thursday night as the family’s woes intensified on both sides of the Atlantic.

Image by Surian Soosay