The Horrible, Important Story Of The State-Run Developmental Center

“Mary Maioriello, an employee at O. D. Heck until she resigned this year, said a culture of abuse continued. Ms. Maioriello was hired as a trainee last year, and witnessed several disturbing episodes. In one case, two employees played a game they called ‘Fetch,’ throwing French fries on the floor and laughing as one resident dived to get them, while another jumped out of his recliner and a third ate them off the floor.”
 — In the event that you’re having too nice a day today, what with the sun shining and all, you may want to read the story in the Times about the abuse of developmentally disabled residents at upstate New York’s Oswald D. Heck Developmental Center. Be warned: it is horrible. A 13-year-old boy dies and his father relates the experience of hearing the news. But if you think that it’s good to learn about the worst things in the world, for purposes of perspective, or exposure in hopes of correction, it is an excellent story.