Meet Our Fresh-Faced Summer Reporters

Nothing says summer like the arrival of fresh-faced children in our office, bearing lattes in each hand. Thanks, interns! Please welcome this season’s Youngs, in alphabetical order….

Nate Hopper, Reporter, Politics

Nate Hopper is a 20-year-old magazine journalism and economics dual-major at Syracuse University. He’s reported in South Africa, written for a bunch of campus publications, and will be the features editor of one in his upcoming senior year. In the meantime, he’ll be reading and writing about interesting things while simultaneously honing his afternoon nap and drinking-water connoisseurship. Sometimes he writes a contemporary funk and soul music blog.

Olivia LaVecchia, Reporter, Interviews

Olivia LaVecchia has lived in five different cities this year, and now she’s living in Brooklyn for the summer. She studies journalism and poetry at Northwestern, and just finished interning at Texas Monthly, where she wrote about giant strawberry shortcakes and interviewed the pyromaniac kid in Super 8.

Emily Morris, Reporter, Literary Culture

Emily Morris is a senior English major at Smith College. She spent the last year in Cordoba, Spain, where an English major makes no sense. She has interned at an art museum and a state-funded film production company. One time she sold Mary Kay by accident.

Myles Tanzer, Reporter, New York City

Myles Tanzer loves the internet. He interned for Runnin’ Scared at The Village Voice for two semesters. He’s also the entertainment editor of NYU Local. Myles also enjoys cooking his way through the Momofuku Cookbook and studying the discography of Common. He recently moved into a tiny apartment in the East Village. A gin and tonic is his summer drink as well as his winter, spring and fall drink.