Dr. Irwin D. Mandel, 1922-2011

“Much of the shift was based on Dr. Mandel’s research into the chemistry of saliva and the changes that occur with different oral diseases, information used in both diagnosis and treatment. For example, until his research, it was not known that levels of protein and electrolytes in saliva differ with various diseases. Also, in researching cavities, Dr. Mandel was one of the first scientists to link acidity levels in saliva to the development of decay.”
 — Besides pioneering preventative tooth-care practices like regimented brushing and flossing, the use of fluoride rinses and regular dentist visits for the “removal of hardened plaque that even scrupulous flossers and brushers cannot erase,” Brooklyn-born Irwin Daniel Mandel discovered many important things from looking at spit under a microscope. Gross. He helped the world.