The Death Of Instant Messenger

I still use AIM. That’s right. I am an AIM user. This apparently makes me old. The kids today, with their Facebooks and Gchats and beeboos or whatever it’s called, they laugh at me when I tell them I use AIM. Oh, you should hear the mockery and disrespect, the snickering. It burns, the way they do an imitation of me using a walker. Some of them have even asked me what AIM is. Anyway, I have been content, in my stubborn, fogeyish way, to remain on AIM even as my group of contacts moves on to the newer, flashier thing. It is a kind of digital natural selection, I guess. So learning that “AIM is effectively dead” isn’t exactly shocking, but there is something a bit disheartening about the finality of it all. What will I do now? Anyway, excuse me, I need to go wind my watch.