Man Drops Phone

The Daily Mail reports on a troubling incident that may very well change the shape of the 2012 presidential race and have wide reaching ramifications for the fate of the free world.

President Barack Obama was making his way across the taxiway at the Air National Guard base in Tennessee when he suffered every networker’s nightmare — watching his BlackBerry smartphone fly out of his grasp and clutter onto the ground.

No big deal, you say? Ah, that’s where you’re wrong! The Mail sets you straight on what’s at stake.

Not the best result for even ‘normal’ people — but it’s tantamount to an international incident if the leader of the free world is without contact information.

Chilling, to be sure. But how did it happen?

After the obligatory wave at the top of the staircase, Mr Obama descended to the tarmac and set off on his trademark half-jog across the taxiway to greet military personnel and well-wishers.
And that’s when the trouble started. The phone jiggled free and crashed down onto the hard surface

Please do click through, there are photos that chronicle to whole terrifying experience. Still, it wasn’t as damaging as it could have been. Notes the paper, “Thankfully, the phone seemed to come through the incident unaffected — thanks to a sturdy-looking case.” Perhaps even more reassuringly,

Mr Obama took the crisis in his stride, however, even bending down to pick up the phone himself as Secret Service agents scrambled to his aid.

Well, thank God for that. Still, very very worrying.

Photo by rowdyman, from Twitter.