Kids Sing Smiths Song

You have perhaps heard of the Internet sensation that is the PS22 Chorus? Quick primer:

The PS22 Chorus is an elementary school chorus from Public School 22 in Graniteville, Staten Island (New York). It is composed of 60–70 fifth-graders, and is directed by Gregg Breinberg. Students are assigned to the chorus after an annual auditioning process at the beginning of each school year. PS22 is the largest elementary school in Staten Island which draws students from a wide cross section of ethnic groups and socio-economic levels. The chorus meets twice a week during school hours to practice, and performs throughout the year at school functions, local events, and on special requests.[1] It has been featured on several major national news and music networks after its videos had gained international attention within the popular video-sharing site YouTube.

Indeed. Anyway, this is one of their latest, which is adorable in and of itself, but seems especially sweet since I discovered it thanks to this source. It made me smile, at least.