Get A Good Look At These Awesome Tigers, They're Almost Extinct

Great. The gorgeous, majestic Sumatran tiger is headed for extinction. The video above shows 12 of the remaining 400 of them, playing with leaves and investigating (and at one exciting point, apparently, biting and incapacitating!) a motion-activated video camera the World Wildlife Federation set up in the Bukit Tigapuluh wildlife reserve this past March and April. And this forest — which they obviously like, because it’s rare to record so many of the things over such a short period of time — is scheduled to be cleared for paper pulp. (Paper?! No one even uses that stuff anymore!)

The video contains some repetition; I think by the 2:50 mark you’ve seen all the original footage. I don’t mind, because I could watch this on loop all day. Because Sumatran tigers are so beautiful and majestic. (Though I wouldn’t mind a soundtrack. How about, umm, Brian Eno? I’ll put it below, so you can cue it up and listen while you watch.) Oh, and what do we get to replace these beautiful species that we’re extinguishing from the wild? The hairless, giant-headed Rochester chupacabra. Which apparently doesn’t mind living in the suburbs.