Air France 447 Crash Mystery May Be Completely Unmysterious

Preliminary Air France 447 black box info! (Preliminary, in air crash investigations, means “take with a grain of salt.”) So, according to reporters, the airspeed sensors got all icy, and the autopilot turned off, and the plane stalled, and then… well. It’s definitely premature to assign any blame to the co-pilots who were in the cockpit, so we won’t! These reports still seem incomplete: even small-craft pilots-in-training know what to do in a stall: you pick up speed, using something really complex called “gravity,” and you un-stall. (According to another reporter, the plane was in a steep climb instead.)

This also means the Times magazine got lucky for their fascinating if also premature story on the flight, as they focused quite a bit on pitot probe failures.