A Gallery of New York in Spring!

Have you been outside? Sure you have — gotta go buy Wheat Thins and cigarettes sometime. But have you really been outside? These in particular are the short weeks that genius NYC Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe has set up to make New York City a ridiculous and tawdry explosion of plant reproductive techniques. Central Park — where that delicious little bit of forest above is — is like a tree orgy; it’s sort of embarrassing! And elsewhere around the city, it’s a testament to the City’s impressive investment to intelligent planting and plant care. Sure, the argument could be made that it just gives the homeless somewhere nicer to sleep, or it makes a nice backdrop for brown people to be searched illegally, but don’t you also believe in a beautiful city? And for the class-conscious record, if you haven’t been all the way uptown yet, those tulips on the avenues certainly go up to at least 168th Street.

Also, Columbus Circle has been transformed into… Ghent? It’s very attractive, if very foreign-feeling! It completely distracts from the nightmare that is the Time Warner Center. Bloomberg: always he takes with one hand and gives with the other.