The World Must Be Good if Anna Faris is Becoming Famous

It’s always exciting when the girl who was never supposed to make it totally makes it! And so yay, the New Yorker profile of Anna Faris today (subscription only!), who can now place herself on a list of lady actress script-readers behind “Reese, Cameron, Natalie Portman, Kate Hudson, Katherine Heigl and Anne Hathaway.” (Sidebar: at least two of those are frightening and crazy and also chronic liars! To be fair, at least two of them are kindly and human.) But it’s a very good look at the “problem” of women doing comedy. Hmm. Is it a “problem”? It’s a problem, if you want to spend a lot of money on a movie and then make a lot of money, which is the only goal in Hollywood. It’s not a problem if you want to have a good time and make cool stuff, which, then don’t move to L.A.

But anyway!

Mmm hmm.

The award for most jaw-dropping quote in the piece goes to… Judd Apatow! “The reality is, I’m a dude and I understand the dude thing, so I lean men just the way Spike Lee leans African-American.” Please tell me someone has Spike Lee on the phone right now.

My only beef with the discussion of the film comedies with women is that it underplays the significance of Easy A, which at least gets a mention, but it should be remembered that it’s done $75 million globally, and, despite some conventionality, still passes the Bechdel test and was also about a girl becoming the school slut.