Tech Micro-Boom 2.0 Comes to Quincy, CA

Five years ago, according to the editor of the Quincy Valley Post Register, the town went a bit crazy in a near-shoring boom. Microsoft and Yahoo! both were building data centers in town (hey, eastern California is much closer than Utah, America’s favorite near-shoring zone (Mormons are so honest and industrious!)) and property values went up and everyone got a little nuts: “We all know what happened. The construction workers eventually left town, the data centers didn’t bring thousands of new people to live in Quincy and we’re still waiting for a movie theater,” he writes. “And sadly, I know of several people who were busted when the boom was over.” Now Dell and Sabey are building data centers there too. Here we go again! Meanwhile, up the road a piece in Greenville, you can buy a “3200sf, historic building on Main Street” for $99,000. Be right back, I’m off to start over in Plumas County!