NYC Cop Rape Case Sees Its Victim-Blaming Totally Unravel

Lest we forget, the terrible New York City alleged cop rape case is still horrifically parading through the courtroom. To my mind it hasn’t been going so well for the defense but I’m also willing to keep an open mind, I guess, sort of. Updates from the last few days:

• So, previously, when the defense claimed that the victim told people she wasn’t sure she’d been raped? Turns out she told plenty of people, including her neighbor and her boss, that she’d been raped. And that she was sure. So, you know, there’s that.

• A “few seconds” of surveillance tape show the alleged victim going to her apartment building with the police and she is apparently mobile and able to walk! Therefore she couldn’t possibly have been raped, because, obviously if you can walk, you can’t be raped. I think that’s in the law books somewhere, right? (Also it should be noted that she had just thrown up at least twice.)

• The prosecution is saying that the cops made a fake 911 call to give them an excuse to return to the woman’s building for the second of four times that night, claiming that there was a homeless person in the hallway (and that they were from Canada). “He’s right in the front doooaahh,” says the “Canadian” on the 911 recording.