What's it Like in Tokyo?

How bad are things in Japan? As with any disaster in any large country, it’s both terrible and then also in parts, life is odd and normal. (Those who’ve been through these sort of things understand.) In America, the nuclear reactor news has dominated headlines all day. There certainly is a possibility that something terrible could happen! Also possibly not. Meanwhile, people estimate that 100,000 children are already displaced; and, here you can see the nuclear-crisis-related evacuation areas. And in Tokyo, at least one of the Hermes shops is closed, as per this list of signs of abnormality there. (It’s true.) Also, a local McDonald’s has actually closed. Last night, video from Ginza shows Tokyo to be definitely quiet, and yet strangely normal. These videos from Tokyo show the mix of normality and surreality. Meanwhile, Corning reports that their factories are running smoothly! (Many businesses are striving to not take a hit while being adjacent to human disaster.) The 6.0 quake this morning was rattling but not devastating. One thing to remember, to get a sense, is that it’s a five-hour drive from Sendai to Tokyo.