Rebel Libyans Stalling While the World Debates

Word that someone flew a plane into Gaddafi’s palace is still but a word. I think we’d all love to hear more about that, should it have happened! Otherwise, back in Libya, well… “Libyan rebels are retreating from the strategic town of Ajdabiya under heavy bombardment by Muammar Gaddafi’s forces.” Anti-Gaddafi forces seem to only hold three cities, and they’re isolated from each other; and government forces are trying to beat down the road to Benghazi, which has about 2/3rds of a million people. What is happening there is truly terrible. And what will happen if the revolution really does fail is even worse: two defeated generations dead or rotting in jails. All that being said, what would foreign intervention do? And… by whom? That said, it’s not over yet.