It's War! Birds Now 40% Angrier, More Likely to Attack Planes

It’s been some time since we’ve brought you news on our endless war against the birds, but today is huge. When last we checked in, the plan was to basically kill all of the birds around airports, but that hasn’t worked! Mostly probably because birds aren’t fairly mobile. New news! Birds are more likely to attack than ever: “The number of severe bird strikes suffered by airline flights above 500 feet reached a new high of 150 in 2009, the federal data show. That represents a 40% increase in the rate of bird strikes compared with the average from 2000 through 2008. The trend continued last year, which was on a nearly identical pace of serious strikes through November.” The truth is: there have been 108,000 bird attacks on planes recorded just since 1990. Why won’t the birds just leave us alone?