Heebs Off The Hook For Christ-Killing, Sez Pope

Good news, Jews: Pope Benedict XVI has cleared you of collective responsibility for killing the shaygetz god Jesus Christ. Benny, who, as the AP delicately notes, “has had his share of mishaps with Jews,” takes up the issue in his new book, Jesus of Nazareth 2: Bigger and Blacker, wherein he “re-enacts Jesus’ final hours, then analyzes each Gospel account to explain why Jews as a whole cannot be blamed for having turned him over. Rather, Benedict concludes, it was the Jewish leadership, the ‘Temple aristocracy’ and a few supporters of the figure Barabbas who were responsible, but not Jews as a whole.” So that’s sorted, then. As of press time, however, Jews still retain collective responsibility for Yentl, running the New York Mets into the ground and kasha varnishkes, which are just plain nasty.

Photo by Sergey Gabdurakhmanov.