Four Mobile Photo Apps That Are Actually, Like, Useful


Most people spend their app pennies and time on effects apps for photos. Everyone has Instagram, so they can put scratchy, slightly out of focus, over-saturated pictures on their Tumblrs, and it looks so meaningful. This is a thing that people really like doing, and even those of us who disapprove must learn to accept it. Instagram is the top free photography app in the Apple store! So the people have spoken. Go on, download it, I know you want to.

Likewise, Hipstamatic is the #3 paid app right now. Hipstamatic also “processes” your digital pictures to make them look old-timey film-ey. So this is a look that won’t be going away anytime soon. But sometimes you need to do things to pictures that are actually useful. For instance, maybe you want to just crop an edge out of a photo; maybe you have a great photo but the focus is slightly off and you want to cheat it a little by sharpening. Or say you’re on top of a mountain and you want to shoot 360. Your Instamatic won’t help you then!

Read the rest here.

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