Two New York Icons Move On

A couple of New York-related passings in the news this morning: Tax-and-Brooklyn Dodger Duke Snider, the last surviving member of the fabled “Boys of Summer,” whose “prolific home runs and center field prowess earned him royalty status in Brooklyn and immortalization in one of baseball’s most famous ballads,” has died at the age of 84. Also no longer with us: Susan “Suze” Rotolo, “who inspired some of Bob Dylan’s most intense songs and later spent much of her own life trying not to be known as Dylan’s former girlfriend, died Friday night after a long illness… Rotolo lives in Dylan lore as the inspiration for some of his most bittersweet love songs, including ‘Boots of Spanish Leather,’ ‘Tomorrow is a Long Time’ and the razor-edged ‘Don’t Think Twice.’ She also became permanently engraved in Dylan lore as the girl on the cover of his 1963 ‘Freewheelin’’ album.” Rotolo, whose memoir A Freewheelin’ Time: A Memoir of Greenwich Village in the Sixties was published in 2008, was 67.