Today's Winter Gloom Will Feel Like Spring Gloom!

If a quick glance outside your window gives you the impression that you can skate by without an umbrella, please allow me to counsel against it: This morning’s rain is the kind that plays games with you, holding its fire until it knows that you’re out the door and too far gone to turn back, at which point it will piss down upon you with a fury borne of the months of jealousy engendered by the manifold attention paid to its sexier cousin, snow. In any event, it is not all terrible news: Today’s extremely moist conditions combined with the above-average temperatures will almost certainly ensure a new spate of colds in the area, so if you’ve somehow managed to miss this season’s Thing That Is Going Around you’ve got one more crack at it before the monsoons of March. Also, they’re saying sun for tomorrow, but I think that’s just a ruse to keep us all from surrendering to the depressing inevitability of this meaningless life and taking the appropriate countermeasures. But who knows; they could be right. Good luck!

Photo by Tony Hisgett.