The Government is Making Unrest in Egypt and Should Be Deposed

Anderson said he was punched 10 times in the head as pro-Mubarak mob surrounded him and his crew trying to cover demonstrationless than a minute ago via Mobile Web

Steve Brusk

Now we’re at the terrible part of the protests in Egypt, when the government brings out the thugs, and some actual chaos does occur. (And not just Anderson Cooper getting beat in the head.) There’s BBC live feed here. The country so far has been really remarkably peaceful, for a place engulfed in mass demonstrations! But now? Our guy in Egypt has now left the country after, he wrote to us, being shot by a rubber bullet. We also talked yesterday with a student who left the country on the 29th — he has written this account of being in Cairo, and, to be honest, it was not an account to which I was entirely sympathetic at first! It’s very easy to feel “unsafe” in a land where you don’t know anyone and don’t speak the language. To be fair to him, his concerns about safety for people without a network there, it sounds like today, been proven largely right. Now that Mubarak and his allies have decided to escalate the situation by use of violence, we’ll see a strengthening of the protest movement but also a lot of unnecessary casualties. Which is remarkable, and remarkably stupid: don’t you think Mubarak sees how this ends?