Pack of Lies! 'Daily Mail' Sexy News Blow-Ups Are Fibs 'n' Fiction!

Is the Daily Mail, London’s news beast and one-stop hype beggar, right vexed with errors, false claims and scandals that beggar belief? Some people say yes!

The jazzy flap-paper shanks both celebrities and common folk on the regular, says Juliet Shaw, a lass originally from Barrow-in-Furness, late of Cumbria, and proud single mother of two young beauties. Juliet says the paper ran fecklessly roughshod over her romantic life, misstating her age, basic facts of life and inventing motivations and fabricating quotes along the way.

“I’ve never been to a garden party in my life!” shouted the misplayed miss.

And then, when she pursued a defamation claim against the paper, the rag’s solicitors claimed they’d get her house and all her business assets, just for the bother. The lady, having none of either such things, was unimpressed with the threat — and the brash paper folded like a Spice Girls reunion, paying our Juliet tens of thousands of pounds.

This isn’t the first time the Daily Mail has bounded into a scrape by misrepresenting ladies! Freelance writer Catherine Hughes was plunged into depression after she appeared in a twisted article in the Daily Mail.

Also the paper totally straight-up lied about how PBS cut down “Downton Abbey” for American audiences, which makes them tantamount to murderers. For shame!

“It’s simply not true,” cried Jace Lacob, a member of the American Television Critics Association, taking the Daily Mail writer to task. “His messy article is, in some ways, awfully similar to Mrs. Patmore’s salty meringue, and just as unappetizing.”