Citizens Turn Out in Manama and Madison

Opposition leaders in #Bahrain tell me they are planning a huge march in next few days to retake Pearl Roundabout.Fri Feb 18 10:52:19 via web

Nicholas Kristof

Well, yes. The brutal crackdown on protests in Bahrain equals a newly inspired and deadly serious protest movement. (And the teargas is already flying in Manama today. The city is described as “under lockdown.”) I mean, honestly, what dictator, king or president-for-life does not understand this? It is Population Management 101. Even a Sims dictator would know this. In any event, the “Middle East” (and the Midwest! What’s up, Wisconsin!) is now essentially INFLAMED with protest movements, as anti-democracy spokesperson Glenn Beck would say. But for now….

Panicked crowds running thru hospital after police attack. Drs rushing to ER. Tear gas grenades outside, wafting in.Fri Feb 18 14:50:41 via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Nicholas Kristof