A Guide to Topics Discussed and Ignored in Today's Election in Chicago

by Mark Bergen




• “Starving people in Africa

• Coffee and donuts in an airport

Jimmy John’s

Bill Clinton

Jesse Jackson

Barack Obama

• A woman’s own mind

The Black Candidate

The White Candidate

The Jewish Candidate

“The Un-Rabbinical Master of Nine-Fingered Sign Language”


• A Twitter feed

• A Rahm Tax

• A landslide

• Hiring 2,000 more cops

• Cutting $1 billion from the budget

Not Discussed

• Paying for 2,000 more cops

• Finding $1 billion to cut from the budget

• “…Toxic diesel pollution breathed every day by hundreds of thousands of Chicago-area commuters.”


• Anything beyond the “same, shady answers”

• The city’s financial crisis

Urban policy

Racial segregation

Mark Bergen lives in Chicago. Do you also love urban policy? Sign up for City Ledes, the comprehensive biweekly newsletter about the life of cities.