20 People to Follow on Twitter: @tnyfrontrow

The critic, who writes only about others, deems art about the making of art “solipsistic” and says it’s not tough work. How would he know?Tue Feb 15 03:18:44 via web

Richard Brody

Sometimes I compulsively follow people on Twitter even when I rarely have any idea what they’re talking about! You get one-half of various arcane conversations, some meditations on bagels and a lot of stuff about French films you haven’t seen. Hence, Richard Brody, the Goings On movies editor of the New Yorker. Perhaps you remember Brody best for his mini-pan of Rush Hour 3? (“This is filmmaking by the yard, but Ratner perks up near the end and delivers a vertigo-inducing chase through the latticework of the Eiffel Tower. Only the pounding music and sound effects might keep a viewer awake to that point; such formulaic fare cries out for a director with Quentin Tarantino’s studious flair.”) Well perhaps not. More likely you know his very attentive blogging at the New Yorker. But his Twitter! It’s sort of like an oddly upper-crust sitcom, one that’s set in this other New York, and it might be a better town than ours? He is constantly yelling at Glenn Kenny’s Twitter (even while calling Kenny’s blog “terrific”). I like to think of Brody and the rest of them all shuffling from the Sony screening room to the Magno, dodging Rex Reed and muttering all the while about Truffaut. It’s so irritating and enjoyable! He is like the crazy uncle I never had.

@ExtAngel You’re not sure what anyone has nailed, since you haven’t seen the film. But you’re busy reviewing it anyway.Sun Feb 13 18:48:47 via web

Richard Brody

@ExtAngel Yes — and worse, the immediacy on Twitter, so that a discussion goes from a sneer to a scream in mere seconds.Fri Jan 21 19:29:59 via web

Richard Brody

Plus coworker banter!

@nancysfranklin @laurenzcollins I saw bundles of actors’ gestures and a director’s pride in his sympathy for ordinary people.Wed Jan 19 05:32:37 via web

Richard Brody

I only follow this Twitter because I am a silly and unserious person and I enjoy being reminded of that fact.
