Understanding Jared Loughner, Day Four

I know this isn’t the point but… can someone explain why Loughner had a written exam for Pilates? #educationcrisisWed Jan 12 14:12:16 via TweetDeck

Irin Carmon

Now that we’ve all¹ decided that the conversation in America after the Jared Loughner shooting should probably be about gun control, because all of America can agree that no one should be able to shoot 31 bullets in one squeeze, we can all turn our attention to weightier matters. Like, why was he too lazy to vote in the November elections? And what exactly is up with Pima Community College and how do you get a “B” in your Pilates class?

¹ Not really “all” in the slightest but let’s pretend.
² Pretending harder. Because in the wake of the shooting, a significant minority of Americans seem to think gun control laws should be more lax, actually, and also everyone else is out buying semi-automatic weapons. What can you do? Just throw up your hands and get ready for more shootings I guess.