Philadelphia Rocked By Possible Loss Of Snack Cakes

There is shock and horror in the city of Philadelphia about the news that local snack producer Tasty Baking Co. — maker of gut-expanding delights such as Tastykake Butterscotch Krimpets and Peanut Butter Kandy Kakes — might be forced to sell itself off amid financial turmoil. One local columnist conveys the sense of fear and disgust now prevalent in the City of Brotherly Love.

YEARS FROM NOW, I will remember where I was when I heard yesterday’s shocking news.

I was sitting right here at the Daily News when I learned that Tastykake, financially teetering after a brutal fourth quarter, announced that it may have to merge with another company or — gasp! — sell itself.

Merge this Philadelphia icon with some out-of-town pretender pushing snacks like Drakes or, Lord help us, Little Debbie?

Gag me with a cupcake.

Or sell it? Hell, as long as we’re peddling our local treasures, why don’t we put the Liberty Bell on Craigslist? Or see if Walmart wants to buy Reading Terminal Market?

Meanwhile, a resident interviewed by the city’s Fox affiliate for its five minute segment on the story expresses a sentiment that demonstrates exactly how severe the crisis is to these sons of the Schuylkill: Asked to envision a world without Tastykakes, a woman explains that, “It would be like life without music.” Fortunately the reporter has a Butterscotch Krimpet on hand to cheer her up for the moment, but there’s no denying it: things look pretty grim. It is hard enough on these people, having to live in Philadelphia. Must they be denied the one pre-packaged treat that makes their miserable existence momentarily tolerable? Only time will tell.