John Paul II One Stunt Away From Sainthood

“Church officials believe that the Polish pope, who himself suffered from the condition, interceded for the miraculous cure of Sister Marie Simon-Pierre, a Frenchwoman in her late forties. She has said her illness inexplicably disappeared two months after John Paul II’s death, after she and her fellow nuns had prayed to him. Church-appointed doctors agreed that there was no medical explanation for the curing of the nun, although last year there were some doubts about the validity of the miracle. A Polish newspaper said that a doctor who scrutinised the nun’s case had concluded that she might have been suffering not from Parkinson’s, but from a nervous disorder from which temporary recovery is medically possible.”
 — Pope Benedict XVI has officially declared the first miracle attributed to his predecessor. They just need to find one more, and the late John Paull II will be beatified as a saint. Shouldn’t take too long. There’s magic everywhere in this bitch.